berichtet die Gratiszeitung 20Minuten über die Empörung im Ausland über die am Sonntag im Kanton Zürich anstehende Abstimmung über die Weiterexistenz des Cabaret Voltaire.
In der WOZ-Ausgabe dieser Woche (25.09.2008) gibt es einen wie immer gut recherchierten Hintergrund-Artikel ("Dada muss bleiben") über die Abstimmungsvorlage der Zürcher Stadtverwaltung.
"Da alle anderen Parteien sich für die städtische Vorlage ausgesprochen haben, müsste das Dadahaus zu retten sein - vorausgesetzt, dass die grosse Anhängerschaft von Dada die Abstimmung nicht verschnarcht."
Das Schweizer Fernsehen berichtet "objektiv":
In der WOZ-Ausgabe dieser Woche (25.09.2008) gibt es einen wie immer gut recherchierten Hintergrund-Artikel ("Dada muss bleiben") über die Abstimmungsvorlage der Zürcher Stadtverwaltung.
"Da alle anderen Parteien sich für die städtische Vorlage ausgesprochen haben, müsste das Dadahaus zu retten sein - vorausgesetzt, dass die grosse Anhängerschaft von Dada die Abstimmung nicht verschnarcht."
Das Schweizer Fernsehen berichtet "objektiv":
contributor - am Freitag, 26. September 2008, 23:49 - Rubrik: Aktionsvorschlaege
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
In der NZZ (19.09.2008) gibts ein Streitgespräch anläßlich der Abstimmung am 28.9. in Zürich:
Das Dada-Haus – Hoffnungsträger oder faules Ei?
Cabaret-Voltaire-Co-Direktor Philipp Meier und SVP-Präsident Rolf Siegenthaler im Streitgespräch:
Das Stimmvolk befindet über den städtischen Beitrag von jährlich 315 000 Franken an das Cabaret Voltaire. Bei einem Rededuell im Dada-Haus lobt der Co-Direktor dessen Ausstrahlung, wohingegen der Präsident der städtischen SVP den Geldfluss stoppen will.
Die bürgerliche NZZ kann nicht über ihren Schatten springen:
Die Position der NZZ
zz. Der Souverän hat an der Urne zu entscheiden, ob die Stadt bis 2011 weiterhin jährlich 315 000 Franken für den Mietzins des Dada-Hauses zahlen soll. Die NZZ empfiehlt ein Nein zur Vorlage. Das Angebot an überaus teurer Lage hat in den bisherigen vier Betriebsjahren die Skepsis gegenüber dem Konzept nicht beseitigen können, und die Dadaisten wehrten sich stets gegen jede Form der Institutionalisierung. Ein massgeblich aus der Stadtkasse mitfinanziertes Denkmal wird ihrem Geist so wenig gerecht wie der angestrengte Versuch, ihre Provokationslust in die heutige Zeit zu transportieren. (19.9. 2008)
Das Dada-Haus – Hoffnungsträger oder faules Ei?
Cabaret-Voltaire-Co-Direktor Philipp Meier und SVP-Präsident Rolf Siegenthaler im Streitgespräch:
Das Stimmvolk befindet über den städtischen Beitrag von jährlich 315 000 Franken an das Cabaret Voltaire. Bei einem Rededuell im Dada-Haus lobt der Co-Direktor dessen Ausstrahlung, wohingegen der Präsident der städtischen SVP den Geldfluss stoppen will.
Die bürgerliche NZZ kann nicht über ihren Schatten springen:
Die Position der NZZ
zz. Der Souverän hat an der Urne zu entscheiden, ob die Stadt bis 2011 weiterhin jährlich 315 000 Franken für den Mietzins des Dada-Hauses zahlen soll. Die NZZ empfiehlt ein Nein zur Vorlage. Das Angebot an überaus teurer Lage hat in den bisherigen vier Betriebsjahren die Skepsis gegenüber dem Konzept nicht beseitigen können, und die Dadaisten wehrten sich stets gegen jede Form der Institutionalisierung. Ein massgeblich aus der Stadtkasse mitfinanziertes Denkmal wird ihrem Geist so wenig gerecht wie der angestrengte Versuch, ihre Provokationslust in die heutige Zeit zu transportieren. (19.9. 2008)
contributor - am Freitag, 19. September 2008, 17:19 - Rubrik: Aktionsvorschlaege
Dear Friends,
If you live in or near New York City, or plan on being here in early October, please sign up to be part of a very special event that we're planning with some amazing activist groups.
We can't tell you the details right now, but it will be about the Iraq War, and will involve doing simple public performances individually or in groups. It will be easy, outrageously fun, and will culminate in what promises to be a super-fun outdoor dance party.
If you can devote an hour or more of your time on the big day, please visit your profile and select the "Because We Want It" list. If you can also shoot video, help with legal support, or liaison with the press, please check those boxes as well.
You can also visit http://www.BecauseWeWantIt.org/ to sign up under a different email address, and to sign up for cell phone alerts so that if anything changes the day of the event you'll know right away.
In 2003, the thugs in charge of Washington began destroying a country they knew posed no threat. Five years later, that country is still the most dangerous place on earth, and ours isn't doing so well either.
This action is about trying to change the political discussion around this, the biggest crime of the twenty-first century.
The Yes Men and friends
p.s. If you can't attend, but would like to help with a donation, please visit http://theyesmen.org/donate/. Many of you already have, which is why this is moving forward!
If you live in or near New York City, or plan on being here in early October, please sign up to be part of a very special event that we're planning with some amazing activist groups.
We can't tell you the details right now, but it will be about the Iraq War, and will involve doing simple public performances individually or in groups. It will be easy, outrageously fun, and will culminate in what promises to be a super-fun outdoor dance party.
If you can devote an hour or more of your time on the big day, please visit your profile and select the "Because We Want It" list. If you can also shoot video, help with legal support, or liaison with the press, please check those boxes as well.
You can also visit http://www.BecauseWeWantIt.org/ to sign up under a different email address, and to sign up for cell phone alerts so that if anything changes the day of the event you'll know right away.
In 2003, the thugs in charge of Washington began destroying a country they knew posed no threat. Five years later, that country is still the most dangerous place on earth, and ours isn't doing so well either.
This action is about trying to change the political discussion around this, the biggest crime of the twenty-first century.
The Yes Men and friends
p.s. If you can't attend, but would like to help with a donation, please visit http://theyesmen.org/donate/. Many of you already have, which is why this is moving forward!
kg2u - am Donnerstag, 18. September 2008, 00:47 - Rubrik: Aktionsvorschlaege
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
Endlich ein Weblog gegen den EM-bedingten Deutschland-Hype!
Willkommen bei den Fans gegen Deutschland! Es wird Sie wundern, in all der Euphorie der WM 2006 und der EM 2008 plötzlich auf eine Seite stoßen, die nicht für Deutschland ist. Die nicht damit wirbt, Getränkelieferant, Logistik-Partner oder Fußabtreter der Nationalmannschaft zu sein. Aber auch die muss es geben: die nicht für etwas sind. Dafür zahlen wir aber auch kein Geld an übermächtige Lizenzeigentümer. Korrupt sind wir auch nicht. Naja.
Willkommen bei den Fans gegen Deutschland! Es wird Sie wundern, in all der Euphorie der WM 2006 und der EM 2008 plötzlich auf eine Seite stoßen, die nicht für Deutschland ist. Die nicht damit wirbt, Getränkelieferant, Logistik-Partner oder Fußabtreter der Nationalmannschaft zu sein. Aber auch die muss es geben: die nicht für etwas sind. Dafür zahlen wir aber auch kein Geld an übermächtige Lizenzeigentümer. Korrupt sind wir auch nicht. Naja.
frederic - am Montag, 9. Juni 2008, 10:33 - Rubrik: Aktionsvorschlaege
plattform:[no budget] #6
unabhängiges medienfestival
23.-25. mai 2008, tübingen
veranstaltungen zum themenschwerpunkt
Neben Filmen, Kunst und Partys gibt es auf dem Medienfest in diesem Jahr Workshops zu den Themen politische Aktion, kreativer Protest, Graffiti und Geschlechterrollen. Außerdem Performances, Diskussionen und Möglichkeiten zum praktischen Ausprobieren rund um den Themenschwerpunkt …
Das ganze findet statt im Leibnizhaus II, Stauffenbergstr. 30, Tübingen.
Samstag, 24.Mai 20h
Wir präsentieren und kommentieren eine Auswahl von Bildern und Filmclips von politischen Aktionen, die in Tübingen gelaufen sind - unter anderem aus den Bereichen religiöser Wahn, Sozialabbau und Uniprotest. Die abwechslungsreiche Präsentation soll die subversiven Phantasien der ZuschauerInnen anregen, animieren, motivieren und amüsieren.
anTiVision & Tübinger AktivistInnen
Sonntag, 25. Mai 15h
"Direct Action" ist etwas anderes als nur mal hier eine Blockade oder da ein Steinwurf. Direkte Aktion will die Köpfe erreichen. Das erste Ziel einer direkten Aktion ist die Schaffung eines „Erregungskorridors“: Aufmerksamkeit, Irritation, Freude oder Wut, zum Beispiel durch Kommunikationsguerilla, verdecktes Theater, Sabotage, Internet-Hacken usw. Wo Erregung entsteht, ist dann Platz für politische Positionen und Visionen…
Referent: Jörg Bergstedt, Projektwerkstatt Saasen
Sonntag, 25. Mai 17h
Wer ist die Clownsarmee? Was hatte sie auf dem G8 in Heiligendamm zu suchen? Sind Clowns nicht im Zirkus und werfen mit Torten? Wo kann ich die Grundausbildung der Rebel Clowns mitmachen?
Spielen ist heute Nebensache, hier geht es um reinste Propaganda!
Referent: Martin Weller, CIRCA
Sonntag, 25. Mai 17h
Graffiti, Streetart und ähnlicher Quatsch unter der Lupe
Wer sind eigentlich diese Freaks, die mit ihrem Kritzelkrakel das Stadtbild und die Züge verschandeln - und warum tun die das?
Auf diese und andere Fragen wird auch unser kleiner Ausflug in die Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Farbsprühkultur keine Antwort bieten können. Aber wir werden es wenigstens versuchen.
Referent: Gustav Goodstuff
Sonntag, 25.Mai 19h
Theoretische Inputs und praktische Auseinandersetzung mit Geschlechterrollen und Möglichkeiten zu deren Subvertierung. Drag Kinging bedeutet, dass Frauen sich bewusst ‚maskuline’ Körpermerkmale und Gesten durch Tragen von männlich konnotierter Kleidung, Bart, ‚männlichem Gang’ etc aneignen, Drag Queening wäre umgekehrt die übertriebene Darstellung von Weiblichkeit durch Menschen mit männlichen Körpern.
Referentinnen: Susanne, Bettina und Franziska
Das ganze Programm findet ihr auf der Homepage:
wir freuen uns auf euch
plattform:[no budget]
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Unabhängiges Medienfestival
Leibnizhaus 2
Stauffenbergstr. 30
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel.: +49 (0) 7071 23 13 2
mit Unterstützung des Rosa-Luxemburg-Forums Baden-Württemberg
plattform:[no budget] #6
unabhängiges medienfestival
23.-25. mai 2008, tübingen
veranstaltungen zum themenschwerpunkt
Neben Filmen, Kunst und Partys gibt es auf dem Medienfest in diesem Jahr Workshops zu den Themen politische Aktion, kreativer Protest, Graffiti und Geschlechterrollen. Außerdem Performances, Diskussionen und Möglichkeiten zum praktischen Ausprobieren rund um den Themenschwerpunkt …
Das ganze findet statt im Leibnizhaus II, Stauffenbergstr. 30, Tübingen.
Samstag, 24.Mai 20h
Wir präsentieren und kommentieren eine Auswahl von Bildern und Filmclips von politischen Aktionen, die in Tübingen gelaufen sind - unter anderem aus den Bereichen religiöser Wahn, Sozialabbau und Uniprotest. Die abwechslungsreiche Präsentation soll die subversiven Phantasien der ZuschauerInnen anregen, animieren, motivieren und amüsieren.
anTiVision & Tübinger AktivistInnen
Sonntag, 25. Mai 15h
"Direct Action" ist etwas anderes als nur mal hier eine Blockade oder da ein Steinwurf. Direkte Aktion will die Köpfe erreichen. Das erste Ziel einer direkten Aktion ist die Schaffung eines „Erregungskorridors“: Aufmerksamkeit, Irritation, Freude oder Wut, zum Beispiel durch Kommunikationsguerilla, verdecktes Theater, Sabotage, Internet-Hacken usw. Wo Erregung entsteht, ist dann Platz für politische Positionen und Visionen…
Referent: Jörg Bergstedt, Projektwerkstatt Saasen
Sonntag, 25. Mai 17h
Wer ist die Clownsarmee? Was hatte sie auf dem G8 in Heiligendamm zu suchen? Sind Clowns nicht im Zirkus und werfen mit Torten? Wo kann ich die Grundausbildung der Rebel Clowns mitmachen?
Spielen ist heute Nebensache, hier geht es um reinste Propaganda!
Referent: Martin Weller, CIRCA
Sonntag, 25. Mai 17h
Graffiti, Streetart und ähnlicher Quatsch unter der Lupe
Wer sind eigentlich diese Freaks, die mit ihrem Kritzelkrakel das Stadtbild und die Züge verschandeln - und warum tun die das?
Auf diese und andere Fragen wird auch unser kleiner Ausflug in die Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Farbsprühkultur keine Antwort bieten können. Aber wir werden es wenigstens versuchen.
Referent: Gustav Goodstuff
Sonntag, 25.Mai 19h
Theoretische Inputs und praktische Auseinandersetzung mit Geschlechterrollen und Möglichkeiten zu deren Subvertierung. Drag Kinging bedeutet, dass Frauen sich bewusst ‚maskuline’ Körpermerkmale und Gesten durch Tragen von männlich konnotierter Kleidung, Bart, ‚männlichem Gang’ etc aneignen, Drag Queening wäre umgekehrt die übertriebene Darstellung von Weiblichkeit durch Menschen mit männlichen Körpern.
Referentinnen: Susanne, Bettina und Franziska
Das ganze Programm findet ihr auf der Homepage:
wir freuen uns auf euch
plattform:[no budget]
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Unabhängiges Medienfestival
Leibnizhaus 2
Stauffenbergstr. 30
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel.: +49 (0) 7071 23 13 2
mit Unterstützung des Rosa-Luxemburg-Forums Baden-Württemberg
kg2u - am Dienstag, 20. Mai 2008, 00:02 - Rubrik: Aktionsvorschlaege
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen

Veranstaltungen zum Aktionstag wird es in Wien, Linz und Graz geben.
Nähere Informationen zu Veranstaltungen, Hintergründiges und Pressemitteilungen finden sich in den Blogs Sankt Precarius und Santa Precaria
contributor - am Dienstag, 12. Februar 2008, 16:43 - Rubrik: Aktionsvorschlaege
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
Make the G8 Precarious, Flexi-Fight the New World Order
Superfluous and Superheroes of the World: Unite and Take Over!
From 6-8 June, together with thousands of others, as part of the Block G8 campaign, we will cut the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm off from its infrastructure. The other world - the one we say is possible - will, once again, be revealed as already here.
The successful blockade of the World Trade Organisation in Seattle 1999 was an important moment of rupture. Famously, the common amongst environmentalists and trade unionists, nuns and queers, anarchists and communists was constituted through an act - a blockade � of practical delegitimation. The world was changed on those teargas-filled streets. Or rather, our perception of our own ability to influence the direction of the world was what underwent the greatest transformation.
The events of Seattle found their continuation in a series of counter-summit mobilisations (in Washington DC, Prague, Genoa, Cancun, Gleneagles, Hong Kong�), as well as revealing a previously hidden past; namely, the numerous revolts and rebellions against neoliberalism, primarily in the global South:
from the so-called 'IMF riots' which swept from country to country during the 1980s, the Zapatista uprising in 1994, and the struggles against employment reforms in South Korea from 1996-7. More than history's return, Seattle showed that it had never gone away!
Movement of Movements
With this breaking of the surface of public consciousness, the singular nature of the global 'movement of movements' became immediately apparent. Unlike so many of the 'new social movements' of the 1970s and 80s, the new movement was a
rejection (rather than defence) of identity. It is composed of an irreducible multiplicity of actors. It has constantly sought � sometimes more successfully than others � to address two overlapping problematics. Firstly, how can it move beyond a condition in which its constituent parts simply exist indifferently
alongside one another? And secondly, how can it simultaneously ensure that no single actor is able to assume the hegemonic role played by the party-form in previous eras of struggle?
Over the eight years since Seattle, the movement has transformed. Its composition, forms of political practice, and language have shifted; its relation to that which is not itself (which has always been something hard to define) in constant flux. Sometimes acting antagonistically; sometimes finding resonance. The declaration of war on the body of the movement in Genoa - and the onset of an open ended global war a few months later - have perhaps
presented the movement its biggest challenges yet. Meanwhile, neoliberalism's own crisis - manifested variously by the series of electoral victories in Latin America and beyond, won on an anti-neoliberal ticket; the rejection of the EU constitution; and the faltering of talks in almost every round of negotiations of the WTO, the FTAA, and the CAFTA since Seattle - have placed new demands on the movement. How does something which was born anti-neoliberal (rather than anti-capitalist per se) overcome its own internal contradictions and reject the increasingly vocal calls � from Jeffry Sachs, from Bono, from others - for a 'capitalism with a human face'? How do we respond to such efforts to transform
the movement for a globalisation from below into a lobby for change from above?
What are the possibilities for productive interaction, today, between movements and parties and other institutions: In Latin America? In Europe? And elsewhere? And importantly, how does a movement so celebratory of its diversity and with
such porous borders rule out influence and involvement from the political right? These are questions as yet without definitive answers, and about which we eagerly await discussion with you in Heiligendamm.
Glocal Struggles Within and Against Neoliberalism
The complex webs of social relations which compose the capitalist mode of (re)production today ensure that all conflicts � as local as they may at first seem � are in fact immediately global. For resistance movements, the G8 (likethe WTO, the IMF, the World Bank�) function as symbolic nodes in the network of
global governance and command. Yet the mobilisation around the G8 Summit is not purely symbolic. It serves the function of bringing together, intensifying and creating resonance amongst the more everyday struggles against and within globalised capitalism.
Since at least 2001, with the first EuroMayDay parade in Milan, a shift of focus has slowly been taking place within some areas of the global movement of movements; away from the symbols of global rule, and in search of commonality amongst the various singular subjectivities of the neoliberal era. Many have found this commonality in the notion of 'precariousness'; the social tendency towards an increasing insecurity which � in vastly different ways � is
beginning to effect us all. The parades have been a conscious effort to bring together these various subjectivities (and like the summit mobilisations of Seattle, Genoa and beyond) to uncover commonality despite and beyond difference through experimentation with new forms of political practice.
Simultaneously, more territorially rooted struggles around the issues of access to social wealth and processes of inclusion/exclusion have also erupted. In France, first in the banlieue, and then around the CPE (First Employment Law).
In Germany, around the introduction of the Harz IV welfare reforms and the restructuring of higher education. And in Oaxaca, Mexico, what began as a teachers' strike to highlight their economic plight generalised, over the summer of 2006, into a broad based, explicitly anti-capitalist struggle.
The potential of the mobilisation around this year's G8 Summit in Heiligendamm lies in its ability to connect these and other struggles, making them visible on the global stage and allowing the space for them to interact and interplay with one another. Not 'Unity in Diversity'; but an open-ended search for commonality in the process of us all becoming something different, together.
Block G8!
To realise their full potential, the mass blockades of this year's G8 Summit need to move beyond the discourse of (il)legitimacy and start making connections to our everyday struggles against precariousness (in all its various forms) and for the good life. We reject the G8 and the form of global governance of which it makes up only one part. And we are constantly looking for ways out of the capital relation for which they stand as a symbol. Yet where we ultimately want to go, and how we want to get there, is far more
The fact that there are no immediately clear solutions to the problem of to how to constitute another possible world must not stop us from experimenting.
Tentatively, we propose a number of concrete demands which we feel, if won - and these are demands which must be fought for � would move us in the right direction. They point a way out of capitalist social relations, whilst clearly distinguishing ourselves from the right that tries to become a part of the movement whilst promoting racist and nationalist ideology. The demands are for:
A universal basic income, de-linked from productivity!
Global freedom of movement and the right to remain!
Equal rights for everyone!
Through adopting the carnivalesqe form of the (Euro)MayDay parades, through taking up the struggles of the Superfluous (see box), through supporting the striking Telekom workers, and through making visible the precarious 'superheroes' who have fought against neoliberalism over the last few years (see box), we hope � together with you � to be able to articulate these demands through the body of the movement: in the international demonstration on June 2, in the day of action on migration, through discussion and debate, and in the mass disobedient blockades of the streets around Heiligendamm on June 6.
FelS - Berlin
The following is a list of places and events in which we will be present and participating. We hope to see you there!
Box #1
The Superfluous
The Superfluous (Überflüssigen) are those who, within globalised neoliberal capitalism, have to fight for survival. Their lives consist of unemployment, poverty, hunger and war. In the industrialised countries, they are those excluded from social wealth. They are the object of the class struggle from above. Superfluous, in capitalism, are the unemployed whose rights are being ever-further restricted � in Germany and beyond. They are refugees, asylum applicants and single mothers forced into low-paid jobs. But the Superfluous don't allow themselves to be dispensed with as easily as some may hope� All over the world, those deemed superfluous by capital have adorned white to symbolise their invisibility and reduction to a faceless commodity. For the same reason, in Germany, the Superfluous wear white masks: A face for the faceless. In reality, though, the masks reveal far more than they conceal: commonality. It is through the constitution of this commonality that the Superfluous are able to go about collective re-appropriation: of life's essentials, life's luxuries, life itself. Capitalism is superfluous!
Box #2
Precarious Superheroes
The reproduction of neoliberal social relations demands superheroism. Ever more mobility, flexibility, multitask-ability. Superhero subjectivities ready for super-exploitation. Yet everywhere, the figure of the superhero is becoming a symbol of resistance. From Superbarrio, who for over a decade has fought for Mexico City's poor; over the Unbeatables (like SpiderMom and SuperFlex) of the Milanese Euromayday; to the superheroes of Hamburg, who redistributed luxuries they appropriated from a delicatessen. More and more people are discovering that with their extra-ordinary powers, they can make another world possible.
berlin.euromayday.org // hamburg.euromayday.org // euromayday.org
Box #3
FelS (For a Leftwing Current) is a Berlin-based group which, since the early-1990s, has attempted to intervene in and influence the direction of various social and political struggles in Germany and beyond. The group seeks to articulate a radical-left politics, and to develop new forms of political practice, within the context of broad coalitions and social networks. FelS was involved with the 2006 and 2007 Mayday Parades in Berlin, and is mobilising to Heiligendamm against the G8 Summit. The group produces the quarterly magazine arranca! and belongs to the Interventionist Left.
www.fels-berlin.de // fels@nadir.org // www.g8-2007.de
Box #4
Useful Contacts
Rostock Camp Info Line: +49 (0) 1577 230 2168 // Reddelich Camp Info Line: +49 (0) 1577 463 0055 // Mobile Info Point (5 and 6 June only): +49 (0) 175 892 78 68 // Medics: +49 (0)178 654 1308 // Legal Team (EA): +49 (0) 38204 768111
(www.ermittlungsausschuss.antifa.net )
c/o Schwarze Risse
Gneisenaustrasse 2a
10961 Berlin
Superfluous and Superheroes of the World: Unite and Take Over!
From 6-8 June, together with thousands of others, as part of the Block G8 campaign, we will cut the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm off from its infrastructure. The other world - the one we say is possible - will, once again, be revealed as already here.
The successful blockade of the World Trade Organisation in Seattle 1999 was an important moment of rupture. Famously, the common amongst environmentalists and trade unionists, nuns and queers, anarchists and communists was constituted through an act - a blockade � of practical delegitimation. The world was changed on those teargas-filled streets. Or rather, our perception of our own ability to influence the direction of the world was what underwent the greatest transformation.
The events of Seattle found their continuation in a series of counter-summit mobilisations (in Washington DC, Prague, Genoa, Cancun, Gleneagles, Hong Kong�), as well as revealing a previously hidden past; namely, the numerous revolts and rebellions against neoliberalism, primarily in the global South:
from the so-called 'IMF riots' which swept from country to country during the 1980s, the Zapatista uprising in 1994, and the struggles against employment reforms in South Korea from 1996-7. More than history's return, Seattle showed that it had never gone away!
Movement of Movements
With this breaking of the surface of public consciousness, the singular nature of the global 'movement of movements' became immediately apparent. Unlike so many of the 'new social movements' of the 1970s and 80s, the new movement was a
rejection (rather than defence) of identity. It is composed of an irreducible multiplicity of actors. It has constantly sought � sometimes more successfully than others � to address two overlapping problematics. Firstly, how can it move beyond a condition in which its constituent parts simply exist indifferently
alongside one another? And secondly, how can it simultaneously ensure that no single actor is able to assume the hegemonic role played by the party-form in previous eras of struggle?
Over the eight years since Seattle, the movement has transformed. Its composition, forms of political practice, and language have shifted; its relation to that which is not itself (which has always been something hard to define) in constant flux. Sometimes acting antagonistically; sometimes finding resonance. The declaration of war on the body of the movement in Genoa - and the onset of an open ended global war a few months later - have perhaps
presented the movement its biggest challenges yet. Meanwhile, neoliberalism's own crisis - manifested variously by the series of electoral victories in Latin America and beyond, won on an anti-neoliberal ticket; the rejection of the EU constitution; and the faltering of talks in almost every round of negotiations of the WTO, the FTAA, and the CAFTA since Seattle - have placed new demands on the movement. How does something which was born anti-neoliberal (rather than anti-capitalist per se) overcome its own internal contradictions and reject the increasingly vocal calls � from Jeffry Sachs, from Bono, from others - for a 'capitalism with a human face'? How do we respond to such efforts to transform
the movement for a globalisation from below into a lobby for change from above?
What are the possibilities for productive interaction, today, between movements and parties and other institutions: In Latin America? In Europe? And elsewhere? And importantly, how does a movement so celebratory of its diversity and with
such porous borders rule out influence and involvement from the political right? These are questions as yet without definitive answers, and about which we eagerly await discussion with you in Heiligendamm.
Glocal Struggles Within and Against Neoliberalism
The complex webs of social relations which compose the capitalist mode of (re)production today ensure that all conflicts � as local as they may at first seem � are in fact immediately global. For resistance movements, the G8 (likethe WTO, the IMF, the World Bank�) function as symbolic nodes in the network of
global governance and command. Yet the mobilisation around the G8 Summit is not purely symbolic. It serves the function of bringing together, intensifying and creating resonance amongst the more everyday struggles against and within globalised capitalism.
Since at least 2001, with the first EuroMayDay parade in Milan, a shift of focus has slowly been taking place within some areas of the global movement of movements; away from the symbols of global rule, and in search of commonality amongst the various singular subjectivities of the neoliberal era. Many have found this commonality in the notion of 'precariousness'; the social tendency towards an increasing insecurity which � in vastly different ways � is
beginning to effect us all. The parades have been a conscious effort to bring together these various subjectivities (and like the summit mobilisations of Seattle, Genoa and beyond) to uncover commonality despite and beyond difference through experimentation with new forms of political practice.
Simultaneously, more territorially rooted struggles around the issues of access to social wealth and processes of inclusion/exclusion have also erupted. In France, first in the banlieue, and then around the CPE (First Employment Law).
In Germany, around the introduction of the Harz IV welfare reforms and the restructuring of higher education. And in Oaxaca, Mexico, what began as a teachers' strike to highlight their economic plight generalised, over the summer of 2006, into a broad based, explicitly anti-capitalist struggle.
The potential of the mobilisation around this year's G8 Summit in Heiligendamm lies in its ability to connect these and other struggles, making them visible on the global stage and allowing the space for them to interact and interplay with one another. Not 'Unity in Diversity'; but an open-ended search for commonality in the process of us all becoming something different, together.
Block G8!
To realise their full potential, the mass blockades of this year's G8 Summit need to move beyond the discourse of (il)legitimacy and start making connections to our everyday struggles against precariousness (in all its various forms) and for the good life. We reject the G8 and the form of global governance of which it makes up only one part. And we are constantly looking for ways out of the capital relation for which they stand as a symbol. Yet where we ultimately want to go, and how we want to get there, is far more
The fact that there are no immediately clear solutions to the problem of to how to constitute another possible world must not stop us from experimenting.
Tentatively, we propose a number of concrete demands which we feel, if won - and these are demands which must be fought for � would move us in the right direction. They point a way out of capitalist social relations, whilst clearly distinguishing ourselves from the right that tries to become a part of the movement whilst promoting racist and nationalist ideology. The demands are for:
A universal basic income, de-linked from productivity!
Global freedom of movement and the right to remain!
Equal rights for everyone!
Through adopting the carnivalesqe form of the (Euro)MayDay parades, through taking up the struggles of the Superfluous (see box), through supporting the striking Telekom workers, and through making visible the precarious 'superheroes' who have fought against neoliberalism over the last few years (see box), we hope � together with you � to be able to articulate these demands through the body of the movement: in the international demonstration on June 2, in the day of action on migration, through discussion and debate, and in the mass disobedient blockades of the streets around Heiligendamm on June 6.
FelS - Berlin
The following is a list of places and events in which we will be present and participating. We hope to see you there!
- June 1: Opening of the camps! FelS will be in the Interventionist Left barrio of the camp in Rostock (Fischereihafen, Am Grenzschlachthof 1, Rostock).
- June 2: International Demonstration. Join the Interventionist Left's 'Make Capitalism History' bloc � where there will also be a MayDay 'bloc within a bloc'. Rostock Central Station, 12:00. www.heiligendamm2007.de
- June 3: International Networking Meetings. Convergence Centre,
Knut-Rasmussen-Straße 8, Rostock.
- June 4: Day of Action on Migration. Decentralised actions in the morning. Demo 'For Global Freedom of Movement and Equal Rights for Everyone'. Satower Strasse, Rostock. 13:00. http://g8-migration.net.tf/
- June 6-8: Block G8! Mass blockades of the G8 Summit, with precarious superheroes, the Superfluous and others! Block G8 Info Line: +49 (0)381 1282702. www.block-g8.org
Box #1
The Superfluous
The Superfluous (Überflüssigen) are those who, within globalised neoliberal capitalism, have to fight for survival. Their lives consist of unemployment, poverty, hunger and war. In the industrialised countries, they are those excluded from social wealth. They are the object of the class struggle from above. Superfluous, in capitalism, are the unemployed whose rights are being ever-further restricted � in Germany and beyond. They are refugees, asylum applicants and single mothers forced into low-paid jobs. But the Superfluous don't allow themselves to be dispensed with as easily as some may hope� All over the world, those deemed superfluous by capital have adorned white to symbolise their invisibility and reduction to a faceless commodity. For the same reason, in Germany, the Superfluous wear white masks: A face for the faceless. In reality, though, the masks reveal far more than they conceal: commonality. It is through the constitution of this commonality that the Superfluous are able to go about collective re-appropriation: of life's essentials, life's luxuries, life itself. Capitalism is superfluous!
Box #2
Precarious Superheroes
The reproduction of neoliberal social relations demands superheroism. Ever more mobility, flexibility, multitask-ability. Superhero subjectivities ready for super-exploitation. Yet everywhere, the figure of the superhero is becoming a symbol of resistance. From Superbarrio, who for over a decade has fought for Mexico City's poor; over the Unbeatables (like SpiderMom and SuperFlex) of the Milanese Euromayday; to the superheroes of Hamburg, who redistributed luxuries they appropriated from a delicatessen. More and more people are discovering that with their extra-ordinary powers, they can make another world possible.
berlin.euromayday.org // hamburg.euromayday.org // euromayday.org
Box #3
FelS (For a Leftwing Current) is a Berlin-based group which, since the early-1990s, has attempted to intervene in and influence the direction of various social and political struggles in Germany and beyond. The group seeks to articulate a radical-left politics, and to develop new forms of political practice, within the context of broad coalitions and social networks. FelS was involved with the 2006 and 2007 Mayday Parades in Berlin, and is mobilising to Heiligendamm against the G8 Summit. The group produces the quarterly magazine arranca! and belongs to the Interventionist Left.
www.fels-berlin.de // fels@nadir.org // www.g8-2007.de
Box #4
Useful Contacts
Rostock Camp Info Line: +49 (0) 1577 230 2168 // Reddelich Camp Info Line: +49 (0) 1577 463 0055 // Mobile Info Point (5 and 6 June only): +49 (0) 175 892 78 68 // Medics: +49 (0)178 654 1308 // Legal Team (EA): +49 (0) 38204 768111
(www.ermittlungsausschuss.antifa.net )
c/o Schwarze Risse
Gneisenaustrasse 2a
10961 Berlin
kg2u - am Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007, 20:45 - Rubrik: Aktionsvorschlaege
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So muss man argumentieren!
"Unser Recht zu protestieren"
G8-Gegner werfen der Polizei Gewaltbereitschaft vor
"Nach der Großrazzia am 9. Mai gegen "militante Gipfelgegner" sind alle 21 so genannten "Terrorverdächtigen" nach wie vor auf freiem Fuß. Nach Angaben der Bundesanwaltschaft sei es weder zu vorläufigen Festnahmen gekommen noch habe die Bundesanwaltschaft Haftbefehle beantragt. Dennoch warnen Polizei und Sicherheitsbehörden immer wieder vor militanten Gegnern des G-8-Treffens im Juni und deren Gewaltbereitschaft. Die Gipfelgegner drehen nun den Spies herum und werfen der Polizei "Gewaltbereitschaft" vor. Die Berliner Gipfelsoli Infogruppe kritisiert insbesondere einen "gewaltbereiten Einsatzleiter". Dieser sei von früheren Einsätzen gegen Demonstranten als gewaltbereit bekannt, behaupten die Gipfelkritiker". (NGO-online, 15.5.2007)
"Unser Recht zu protestieren"
G8-Gegner werfen der Polizei Gewaltbereitschaft vor
"Nach der Großrazzia am 9. Mai gegen "militante Gipfelgegner" sind alle 21 so genannten "Terrorverdächtigen" nach wie vor auf freiem Fuß. Nach Angaben der Bundesanwaltschaft sei es weder zu vorläufigen Festnahmen gekommen noch habe die Bundesanwaltschaft Haftbefehle beantragt. Dennoch warnen Polizei und Sicherheitsbehörden immer wieder vor militanten Gegnern des G-8-Treffens im Juni und deren Gewaltbereitschaft. Die Gipfelgegner drehen nun den Spies herum und werfen der Polizei "Gewaltbereitschaft" vor. Die Berliner Gipfelsoli Infogruppe kritisiert insbesondere einen "gewaltbereiten Einsatzleiter". Dieser sei von früheren Einsätzen gegen Demonstranten als gewaltbereit bekannt, behaupten die Gipfelkritiker". (NGO-online, 15.5.2007)
kg2u - am Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007, 16:23 - Rubrik: Aktionsvorschlaege
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Die neuesten Dönekens von der G8-Razzia lesen wir hier in der Taz (14.5.2007). Eine Fake-Razzia? Alles nur geglaubt? Woanders wären die schon längst gefeuert worden ...
kg2u - am Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007, 11:47 - Rubrik: Aktionsvorschlaege
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Der Widergänger der Stasi, die bundesdeutschen Staatsschutz- und sonstige Exekutivorgane haben vergangenen Mittwoch unter dem Vorwand der Bildung einer terroristischen Vereinigung im Mehringhof beim Buchladen Schwarze Risse stundenlang nach Belastungsmaterial gesucht. Im Falle des Buchladens ging es vor allem um das Buch von der AG Grauwacke "Autonome in Bewegung", das wir hier mitunter auch schon ein oder zweimal kommentiert und "beworben" haben. Alles was dazu zu sagen ist, sagt auch die linksliberale Presse. Die Frage, die sich nun noch stellt, sind sie durchgeknallt oder welche Fraktion versucht da der anderen Fraktion im staatlichen Gewaltapparat in die Suppe zu spucken?
"Die Kollektivmitglieder indes wirken alles andere als traurig über den Polizeibesuch. "Berlin sagt Danke für die Mobilisierung", heißt es hier. Und: "Wir rufen alle auf, nach Heiligendamm zu fahren. Nun erst recht.""(taz, 11.5.2007)
Das können wir gut verstehen, KollegInnen!
"Die Kollektivmitglieder indes wirken alles andere als traurig über den Polizeibesuch. "Berlin sagt Danke für die Mobilisierung", heißt es hier. Und: "Wir rufen alle auf, nach Heiligendamm zu fahren. Nun erst recht.""(taz, 11.5.2007)
Das können wir gut verstehen, KollegInnen!
contributor - am Montag, 14. Mai 2007, 11:25 - Rubrik: Aktionsvorschlaege
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