<scroll down for english version>
REBEL:ART NEWS 05 /// http://www.rebelart.net
# REBEL:ART#1 - online bestellen...
Wer hat noch nicht, wer will nochmal? Vielleicht die letzte Chance das rebel:art#1 Printmagazin "how to provoke today?" zu bestellen...
oder bei einem der "local dealer" in Berlin, Paris, London etc:
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# [rebel:art] Mailingliste
Endlich! Nun gibt es die [rebelart] mailingliste über culture jamming,
adbusting, guerilla art, urban art, hacktivism, media art etc.
austausch, diskussion, links, projekte, veranstaltungshinweise für eine
globale art & activism résistance! Bis zur eigenen Liste gibt's die
Yahoo_List: Einfach leere mail an: rebelart-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
# Relaunch rebel:art Web
In ca. 1-2 Wochen startet die neue rebelart-Website - neues Layout & neue
Funktionen: Forum, Art - Archiv (Texte, Oggs, Videos), monatliche
online-Ausstellungen etc. Check soon: http://www.rebelart.net
# MEMEFEST 2004 - Festival for radical communication
Das Culture Jamming Festival findet Ende Mai statt: Thema "Design is not
enough" und "Cyberwar is coming". Einsendeschluss ist der
20.Mai ::: http://www.memefest.org/en/
english version:
# [rebel:art] Mailinglist
Finally! Subscribe to the [rebelart] mailinglist about culture jamming,
adbusting, guerilla art, urban art, hacktivism, media art etc.
links, discussion, event notes, projects for a global art & activism
résistance! Just write an empty mail to: rebelart-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
# Relaunch rebel:art Web
In about one or two weeks the new rebel:art website will be online: new
layout, new functions e.g. with forum, art archive (txt, oggs, videos),
monthly art exhibitions etc. etc. Check soon: http://www.rebelart.net
# MEMEFEST 2004 - Festival for radical communication
Contribute to the Culture Jamming Festival: Theme is "Design is not enough"
und "Cyberwar is coming". Submission deadline is: 20.May :::
# eBook: "Freie Software"
The german BpB-book from Volker Grassmuck "Freie Software - Zwischen Privat-
und Gemeineigentum" is now available for free download:
# REBEL:ART#1 - order online ...
Perhaps the last chance to order your copy of the printmag rebel:art#1 "how
to provoke today?". And remember, you can easily pay with PayPal:
oder check your local dealer in Berlin, Paris, London etc:
Join the [rebelart] mailinglist for more news:
rebel:art media foundation
REBEL:ART NEWS 05 /// http://www.rebelart.net
# REBEL:ART#1 - online bestellen...
Wer hat noch nicht, wer will nochmal? Vielleicht die letzte Chance das rebel:art#1 Printmagazin "how to provoke today?" zu bestellen...
oder bei einem der "local dealer" in Berlin, Paris, London etc:
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# [rebel:art] Mailingliste
Endlich! Nun gibt es die [rebelart] mailingliste über culture jamming,
adbusting, guerilla art, urban art, hacktivism, media art etc.
austausch, diskussion, links, projekte, veranstaltungshinweise für eine
globale art & activism résistance! Bis zur eigenen Liste gibt's die
Yahoo_List: Einfach leere mail an: rebelart-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
# Relaunch rebel:art Web
In ca. 1-2 Wochen startet die neue rebelart-Website - neues Layout & neue
Funktionen: Forum, Art - Archiv (Texte, Oggs, Videos), monatliche
online-Ausstellungen etc. Check soon: http://www.rebelart.net
# MEMEFEST 2004 - Festival for radical communication
Das Culture Jamming Festival findet Ende Mai statt: Thema "Design is not
enough" und "Cyberwar is coming". Einsendeschluss ist der
20.Mai ::: http://www.memefest.org/en/
english version:
# [rebel:art] Mailinglist
Finally! Subscribe to the [rebelart] mailinglist about culture jamming,
adbusting, guerilla art, urban art, hacktivism, media art etc.
links, discussion, event notes, projects for a global art & activism
résistance! Just write an empty mail to: rebelart-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
# Relaunch rebel:art Web
In about one or two weeks the new rebel:art website will be online: new
layout, new functions e.g. with forum, art archive (txt, oggs, videos),
monthly art exhibitions etc. etc. Check soon: http://www.rebelart.net
# MEMEFEST 2004 - Festival for radical communication
Contribute to the Culture Jamming Festival: Theme is "Design is not enough"
und "Cyberwar is coming". Submission deadline is: 20.May :::
# eBook: "Freie Software"
The german BpB-book from Volker Grassmuck "Freie Software - Zwischen Privat-
und Gemeineigentum" is now available for free download:
# REBEL:ART#1 - order online ...
Perhaps the last chance to order your copy of the printmag rebel:art#1 "how
to provoke today?". And remember, you can easily pay with PayPal:
oder check your local dealer in Berlin, Paris, London etc:
Join the [rebelart] mailinglist for more news:
rebel:art media foundation
kg2u - am Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2004, 01:12 - Rubrik: Kunst und Verbrechen Crime and Art